This use-case provides a digital-based currency as a one-to-one counterpart to physical money or issued by debit and credit cards. This would remove the privacy issues but still allowing some opportunities of taxability or auditability by governments or its taxes agencies.
Use Cases
FENTEC will design, develop, implement and demonstrate the usefulness and real-life applications of FE. The security, efficiency, expressiveness and versatility of the new FE approach will be showcased in three use-cases.
Motion detection and local decision making at the gateway level. In complex IOT systems, nowadays it is often the case that we might have requirements that require end-to-end encryption between an edge device and a backend system. However, it might still be interesting to be able to perform some sort of local decision making at the gateway level, be it to save bandwidth, or reduce the latency in the decision-making process.
This use case addresses the privacy-preserving computation of data analytics, focusing on the computation of statistics over large usage data.